Natural Functional Medicine
Dr. Linda Read-Shelby, D.A.C.M., L.Ac., Dipl. O.M., A.C.N. & Dr. Viveka S. Rucker, D.A.C.M., L.A.c., Dipl. O.M., A.C.N.
Doctors of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturists & Herbalists, Applied Clinical Nutritionists
5348 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Suite 205, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Bringing together Functional Healthcare with Chinese Medicine
to provide you with a natural approach to your health and aging
In-Person Natural Functional Healthcare
In-person visits allow both physical examination and acupuncture, along with the other important aspects of our holistic approach to your care. Acupuncture treatments at our Center are used as one component of care and are given at most in-person visits. The other components of treatment are working with you to correct diet, address nutritional deficiencies, discussing healthy lifestyle modifications, and ordering or reviewing lab-work for the purpose of detecting patterns indicating underlying causes of your health concerns.
Shop Standard Process & Medi-Herb Products
This option provides a selection of our high-quality whole-food nutritional supplements without a consultation. This is offered as general nutritional support without personalized guidance. If you are looking to address a specific health issue or personalized wellness care, please click here to request a free 10-minute consultation that will allow us to schedule your in-person or telehealth appointment. If you are already a patient, please contact us to set up a Patient Direct account for direct ordering.

Why Choose
Healing Compass Natural Health Center?
Functional Healthcare & Chinese medicine both approach your health issues in a personalized way.
As Doctors of Chinese Medicine and Clinical Nutritionists, we bring together acupuncture, herbal medicine, and functional nutrition along with specialized lab testing
to help guide your personalized care.
This medicine focuses on identifying your unique needs, and resolving your health concerns with natural methods and lifestyle medicine.
The powerful combination of these science based approaches with the immune enhancing and circulatory benefits of acupuncture, gives the body, mind and spirit what it needs to heal and to thrive.
We specialize in getting YOU as an individual to as healthy a state as possible. That is what personalized functional healthcare is. When that happens, the body automatically starts healing regardless of what the disease name is.
Call to set up a free 10-minute free consultation with one of the doctors to determine how we may be able to help you.